스타일 레퍼런스 코드 사용 가이드 및 프롬프트
--sref 2600004665

sref code and prompt case 1 --sref 2600004665

sref code and prompt case 2 --sref 2600004665

sref code and prompt case 3 --sref 2600004665

sref code and prompt case 4 --sref 2600004665


This style showcases a fusion of modern fashion and exotic culture, inspired by the collision of futurism and traditional elements. The overall color palette is bright, using a lot of orange and metallic textures to create a vibrant and captivating atmosphere.

Style Analysis

Color:This style predominantly uses orange hues, giving a warm and modern feel. This color choice makes the scenes appear both eye-catching and engaging.
Lighting: The lighting is very bright, especially in the detailed depiction of materials and figures, providing a smooth and contemporary texture to the styles.
Art Technique: Combines the innovation of modern digital design with the intricacy of traditional culture, particularly in the portrayal of figures and objects, delivering a high level of artistry that blends cultural and modern elements.

Application Scenarios

Ad Design: Due to its blend of modern and traditional elements, this style can be used in advertisements for luxury goods or innovative products, especially in brands that emphasize uniqueness and innovation, attracting great appeal.

더 많은 팁

다음 명령을 조합하여 더 많은 탐색을 할 수 있습니다:

  • --s: 기본값은 100이며, 0에서 1000 사이의 값으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 더 높은 값은 더 자세한 이미지와 더 실제에 가까운 스타일을 생성합니다.
  • -niji 6: 이 명령은 이미지에 더 애니메이션 스타일을 적용합니다.
  • --sw: 기본값은 100이며, 0에서 1000 사이의 값으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 더 높은 값은 스타일을 원본에 더 가깝게 만듭니다.
  • --sref 123 456: 이제 여러 --sref 코드를 혼합할 수 있습니다.
  • --sref 123::2: 개별 코드 또는 URL에 가중치를 설정할 수 있습니다.
  • You can also read more guides on SREF 코드 사용 가이드

Other Reference Code

Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 182851040 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 182851040 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 182851040 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 182851040 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 1865765876 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 1865765876 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 1865765876 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 1865765876 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 2233419312 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 2233419312 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 2233419312 in MidJourney
Example of an image generated using the prompt --sref 2233419312 in MidJourney